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In appreciation of your loyalty, we’re delighted to introduce exclusive member rates for those who choose to book directly with us. By opting for direct booking, not only do you unlock our best rates, but you also gain access to a multitude of advantages.

Take the first step towards unlocking these premium benefits by signing up for our members list today. As a valued member, you’ll instantly receive a 20% discount via our member rates. Upon submitting your email, a 4-Digit Code will be sent to you, granting access to your exclusive discount.

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Exclusive benefits available only when you book with us directly

Best Rate Guarantee** | No Booking Fee** | Free Cancellation** | Priority Check-in**

**Subject to conditions

Modern Serviced Apartments in the Heart of Edinburgh

Perfectly located in the heart of Edinburgh the Holyrood Aparthotel provides spacious modern serviced apartments that are ideal for both short and long stays for business and leisure guests. Ranging from studio apartments to double twin apartments accommodating up to five guests. All of our apartments are designed to offer a light, contemporary style with ample clean uncluttered living areas. Ideal for an extended business engagement or a short weekend stay with family or friends, our apartments come with fully equipped kitchens, comfortable dining areas, and all the amenities required for a comfortable stay.

The Holyrood Aparthotel sits conveniently in Edinburgh’s Old Town, on the foot of the Royal Mile. We are a short walk from Waverley Train Station as well as Edinburgh’s most iconic attractions and landmarks such as Edinburgh Castle, Arthur’s Seat, Holyrood Palace, Princes Street, and Carlton Hill to name just a few. The Royal Mile is home to some of the cities most well know independent retailers, cafes, restaurants, and bars.

Learn more about us and our values

Contact Us

If you have any questions please contact our team

T: 44(0) 131 524 3200

1 Nether Bakehouse, Edinburgh, EH8 8PE, United Kingdom

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